Happy Pride & A Message From Beanstack's Co-Founder

We support our friends in the LGBTQ+ community
Masthead Waves

Happy Pride, everyone! In reflecting on this moment for our LGBTQ+ community, I was reminded of a conversation that took place in my car, driving our kids to school several years ago. It went something like this between a big brother and younger sister:


“I think your teacher is nice because he always says hi to me.”
“[Teacher name] isn’t he. They go by they.”
“That’s confusing. I thought they means more than one person.”
“Well, Flo, it’s not really about what we think. It’s about how my teacher identifies, their feelings, and what they want to be called.”
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” 


In that little moment, our son Cassius passed down one of the important lessons of Pride to his younger sister. People are who they are, and we, as fellow humans, should honor and celebrate that. We encourage our kids to be proud of themselves, love themselves as they are, love who they want to love, and respect and celebrate everyone in their community.


Felix and I have always treated our business as an extension of our family. We want our team members to feel loved and seen in their entirety and provide our clients with the resources they need to do the same for their members, including those in the LGBTQ+ community.  We are deeply troubled by the rise in book bans nationwide and the negative consequences of censoring LGBTQ+ voices. We stand in unity with librarians and educators who are confronting these challenges. When we say we espouse values of love, inclusion, and awesomeness, we mean it. And we mean it for everyone


That’s why we’re proud to highlight content available to our library and school partners:

Additionally, our team will continue to establish ways in which we can amplify the awesome work that our school and library partners are already doing to support and showcase their LGBTQ+ communities financially and otherwise. Rainbow logos are nice, but finding ways to take real action is critical. As a member of the board for We Need Diverse Books, I am blown away by the work they are doing to amplify queer voices and to fight book bans that seek to silence them. As their signature campaign claims, “Books save lives,” and we deeply believe in the power of books to do this. What actions are you taking to celebrate Pride this year?


Team Image


At Zoobean, we stand with our LGBTQ+ colleagues, clients, and readers. This Pride Month, our commitment to them is strengthened. With all the love in our hearts and the sincerity of our actions, we wish you and yours a Happy Pride.


Keep Reading,



P.S. If you are looking for great books featuring LGBTQ+ characters, celebrating the diversity of our identities and relationships, or supporting age-appropriate conversations about sexuality, here are a few helpful lists that we love:

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