Introducing Bingo Reading Challenges

Masthead Waves

We’re delighted to unveil a brand-new, much-clamored-for reading challenge type just in time for winter reading: bingo reading challenges! With this new addition to the wide-ranging challenge customization options in Beanstack, you can now bring your favorite bingo programs virtual to motivate your community to read and learn all year long.


Bingo reading challenges give you the ability to set up several unique pathways to challenge completion and give your community multiple different ways to participate in a reading challenge. With the freedom to choose which set of badges to pursue to earn bingo, learners of all levels, abilities, and interests can deepen their passion for reading and their engagement with your resources. 


“Bingo reading challenges open up so many more possibilities for our library partners,” said Rebekah Garrety, our librarian-in-residence, library client success manager, and bingo champion. “Bingo is universally compelling, but it’s especially helpful for libraries just moving to a digital platform and for those looking to use one program to engage with both older and younger readers. The choices are limitless.”

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How Bingo Reading Challenges Work

Any and all Beanstack administrators with access to challenges on library and school sites can create a bingo reading challenge. You can activate a customizable bingo template, full of ready-made badges and a pre-set bingo card that you can edit, or you can create your own bingo reading challenge and card from scratch. 


Bingo reading challenges can be set up on 5x5, 4x4, or 3x3 bingo card sizes and can include any combination of logging, activity, and review badges in any order you’d like. Readers are motivated to earn badges in a row, column, or diagonal to unlock bingo and can even be encouraged to keep going and complete all the badges on the card with a full card badge. Their progress updates in real-time on new interactive bingo cards in the Beanstack web and mobile app.


Bringing bingo virtual opens up a whole new world of interconnected engagement possibilities. You can highlight and even link to your collections and other resources within the badges on your bingo card to drive more use and visibility. Plus, it’s easy to pair your bingo reading challenge with a paper option to bridge the digital divide. You can serve more of your community while also cutting down on staff time processing and sorting through paper bingo cards.


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Try Bingo Reading Challenges for Winter Reading 

There’s no better time to try a bingo reading challenge than for our upcoming winter reading challenge! Winter Reading 2023: All the Feels uses our new bingo reading challenge format to give your community a compelling way to cement strong reading habits in the new year. 


Within the challenge, participants can learn about the history of emojis, explore the importance of emotions, and discover fun activities to express themselves fully —all while earning badges on a virtual bingo card! By logging their reading, completing fun activities, and submitting thought-provoking book reviews, readers can earn a bingo and help boost their community’s chance to win a cash prize provided by Beanstack.


All Beanstack partner libraries and schools in North America are eligible to participate in Winter Reading 2023: All the Feels. Sign up today to officially register! 

Not a Beanstack partner, but want to join in the bingo fun? Contact us today and our team will be happy to help you get started.


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